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AutoHex II BMW Diagnostic Scan Tool

One of Autohex II users said:


Autohex II BMW Scan Tool is the excellent choice for BMW specialists as Autohex II is the only tool that combines all what you need.

Autohex II Ecu Programming

Autohex BMW Diagnostic Tool

supports Programming any Ecu individually (DME, DDE, DSC, CAS, FEM, Airbag, KOMBI, Radio,..etc), no matter if you brought the Ecu from a junk yard or a brand new!


Furthermore, this diagnostic tool matches the VIN with the vehicle as well as the Ecu Flash to a proper flash to make it compatible with the vehicle (Swapping Ecu)


BMW F Series Programming used Ecu

If you want to learn more about Autohex II programming, check BMW Ecu Programming

Autohex II Ecu Manual Coding

Autohex BMW Diagnostic Tool is considered as the most powerful tool for managing ISN (Individual Serial Number) in CAS, DME and EGS.



  • Full support to read and write ISN to all CAS versions (1,2,3 and 3+) including latest updates.

  • Supports almost all ISN reading of DME/DDE in E series up to latest produced models.

  • Supports almost all ISN read and write DME Ecus from BOSCH in F series.

  • Autohex II BMW Scan Tool is the only software can change the DME ISN (read/write)

  • Integrated function to do the entire job for matching EGS ISN in E and F series

DME MSD85 ISN by Autohex II BMW Scan Tool

Change BMW F10 DME with Used DME

You can read more about BMW ISN Editer

Autohex II Ecu Manual Coding

Autohex II BMW Ecu Manual Coding


You can select any Ecu to code it from the coding list, Autohex II BMW Software offers you two methods:


  • Automatically: It will encode the Ecu the default configurations that supposed to be in the Ecu (calculated from vehicle order).

  • Manually, You can manipulate the Ecu configurations by manually selecting the options you wish to enable or disable features in this Ecu.


If you want to learn more about Autohex II BMW Ecu Coding features, check BMW Ecu Coding

Autohex II Key Programming

Autohex II BMW Software for Key Programming

Autohex II BMW Diagnostic Tool with the help of HTag Pro key programmer is the best solution for those who are looking for a single diagnostic tool that solves all cases in BMW key programming in both E and F series.


Using the equipped functions of key programming, you can read, write, block, unblock, save and delete any key in the CAS.


Autohex II BMW Scan Tool has an advanced functions for Encrypted CAS (CAS3+, CAS4+), you can add new key with or without working keys available for all versions of CAS3+, CAS4 and CAS4+.

BMW 2013 Key programming. All keys lost

BMW Software Live info from HTag Pro key programmer


if you want to learn more

check BMW Key Programming 

BDC/FEM Unlock

Autohex II with HW4 is the most safe tool that can unlock BMW BDC and FEM modules. No need to desolder and solder the BDC/FEM module when you are working

with Autohex II, the job is done in one click.

After you get BDC/FEM Secret Info File, you can:


  • Make a new key even if all keys lost

  • Change VIN, Ferquency

  • Read DME ISN info from BDC/FEM

Autohex II FA Manager

BMW Vehicle Order options


You can do everything you imagine in this function like:


  • Recover original FA (Vehicle Order) from the backup Ecu (LM or FRM depends on series): This is very useful option when you want to create a new CAS for a car has no CAS at all.

  • Backup the current FA from the CAS: This option is useful when you replace the LM or FRM Ecu

  • Save FA data in your laptop: This will help you to secure all your job

  • Changing FA elements safely for Retrofit: Autohex II will do the validation of your changes before you can write them into the CAS.

More info about Vehicle Order Editor

CAS And DME On Bench

Autohex BMW Diagnostic Software provides two different channels of CAN BUS acting like a Gateway, this Gateway simulation will allow you to connect both DME (or DDE) and CAS together to Autohex II WVCI and then you can do all required jobs like key programming, ISN matching, Ecu programming and coding simultaneously on both Ecus in one session.


DME and CAS Wiring diagram For Autohex II

ISTA Rheingold Is Supported

Autohex II Hardware (WVCI) is compatible with BMW Dealer Scan Tools like ISTA/D Rheingold, INPA, and other programs.


You can have all your BMW programs installed on one laptop and using different programs without changing the OBD connector.


Autohex II Scan Tool WVCI can run ISTA/D



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